Tuesday, March 13, 2007

March 20th is International Francophone Day

It is time to get your bérets and your baguettes out of the attic! We are celebrating the International Francophone Day on March 20th. The events in the US are quasi nonexistent, so please do something even if it is eating a hot dog with French's mustard on it, or French vanilla icecream, or French toasts. How about making crepes! That's an easy one. But for all French bread lovers (that's about 99.9% of the world population), here is one of the best French bread recipe. It was given to us by Jane Bryner and my mother-in-law has been making it almost every day for the last 2 months. I promise you that you will not regret it and it takes almost no time.
Click here for the recipe.
A bientôt...


Maria Petrova said...

baptiste! good to see you on the blogosphere. i love you, and i love meredith in addition : )

Jessica said...

Guess what. A few of us are taking a trip in May to France! But we'll get in the mood and celebrate Francophone Day with you.