Monday, September 24, 2007

Joyeux Noël????

D'habitude je suis comme un gosse lorsqu'il va neiger, mais là...NON! C'est trop tout de même. Nous ne sommes que le 24 septembre.

Même Zoe est restée au lit ce matin!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

BYU 2007

Voilà enfin des photos!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Remise de diplôme 2007

BYU, c'est fini! Je viens d'obtenir mon Master's en littérature et civilisation française. Titre de ma thèse: "29 mai 2005: le NON français au traité établissant une constitution pour l'Europe: analyse d'un évènement historique, symbole d'un malaise." Pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez lire ma thèse ici. Puis, tapez "prevot baptiste" dans Alphabetical Search, puis, cliquez sur mon nom et cliquez enfin sur l'URL.

Ne vous endormez pas!

Les photos arrivent très bientôt.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

France's Presidential Elections

The 1st round of the presidential elections is over. It certainly has been one of the most exciting elections since 1965 when the Suffrage Universel was established. It also got the highest participation rate (over 84%). Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal made the cut among 12 candidates. It is time to end the small party tradition. Bové (l'altermondialiste), the man who blows up Mc Donald's and who will be going to jail soon, Laguillier who has been running for decades for the commnunist party and hasn't made it above the 6% once, Le Pen whose racist ideologies scared us in 2002, need to go and they will. We are in 2007! I still think that having more than 2 candidates is an interesting concept but let's limit it to 5 max! Sarkozy received over 31% and Royal over 25%. France will have a new president on May 6th at 12 noon (MST). After 12 years of Chiracist leadership, we are ready for a change. Hopefully a good one! Allez Sarko!

PS: Meredith thinks that Royal won't win until she gets bangs. Let's just say that she just won't win period and that "Ensemble, tout devient possible" (

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Christian's mission call!

Chris opened his call last night and thank goodness we were all sitting down! He is going to the Singapore mission. His mission includes Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Burnei, Bengladesh and Pakistan. He reports to the MTC on July 11th. We were all set on South America since the whole family speaks spanish...but the Lord works in mysterious ways. We are so proud of him. Chris turns 19 on friday!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

This is what the help desk used to be like!

French Excellence in Very High Speed Rail: Record 2007

574,8 Km/h (357,16 miles/hour)! Check out the video to watch the world record.

Not only do we have good cheese and bread, but you'll have to admit that our public transportation is pretty good as well...when they are not on strike!